Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Rockleaze Tournament - The Details

The Rockleaze Tournament takes place this Sunday and we have five different teams taking part.

All the teams will start at different times throughout the day. Here are the details so you can make plans.

Place: Coombe Dingle Sports Centre. Parking and programme costs £3.
Date: Sunday June 15.
Bring: Full kit and shin pads and plenty to eat and drink. There will be refreshments on site. You may want a chair or picnic rug to sit on between games. No dogs allowed on site.

Year Two Boys: Meet at Coombe Dingle at 8.30am sharp. The action will end by 1.30pm.
Year Two/Three Girls: Meet at 11.45am. Games end by 2pm.
Year Three Boys: Meet at 1pm, ending by 6pm.
Year Four Boys: Meet at 11.30am, ending at 4.30pm.
Year Four Girls: Meet at 8.45am, ending by 12.30pm.

In other words:
8.30am: Y2 Boys
8.45am: Y4 Girls
11.30am Y4 Boys
11.45am: Y2/3 Girls
1pm: Y3 Boys

Please ensure you are not late - games will start on time.

And remember - early to bed Saturday night and a good breakfast on Sunday - for adults and children!

See you there.