Sunday, 14 September 2008

Minutes - Management meeting 3/9/08

Venue: Cambridge Arms

Present: Colin Domaille, Rob Jarvis, Andy Marshall, Simon Nash, Sally Newman, Ben Perry, Paul Williams, Rob Youngman.

1. Fixtures: We agreed that year coaches would liaise directly with their opposite number when arranging the details of friendly matches. Sally to co-ordinate date changes, etc.
2. Venue: Agreed we need to look for alternative pitches for our matches. Redland Girls’ pitches are fully booked on Saturday mornings. Sally to investigate alternatives: RGS, Badminton, St Ursula’s, Red Maids and Canford Park.
3. Money: AndyM estimated that we have about £600 in the bank – plenty to fulfil Wish List.
4. Wish List: Agreed to buy 20 x size four balls/ 10 x size 3 balls/ cones/ poles/bibs/poles bag. Sally to order. Agreed that rather than order First Aid bags for each year – to have a central point at training as a First Aid Post. Colin to add wipes etc to First Aid kits. Y5 coaches to take responsibility for having their own First Aid Kit on match days.
5. Kit: Agreed that we should buy large kit for Y5/Y6. Sally to action.
6. Reception football. Agreed that AndyW will email keen Reception dads in mid October to invite them to the pub. All coaches invited to pub to offer encouragement and info. Reception football to start after half term.
7. Foxy Party. Agreed that the party was most excellent. Date for next year’s event to be July 18. Sally to look into alternative venues. Lido party suggested (by whom?). Ideas for venues gratefully received.
8. Christmas Party. Agreed that there should be a party. Clare and Lucy to be asked to help organise.
9. CRBs. Colin to do a new round of forms when we have Reception dads involved. Al Sweet, Phil Gittins and Simon Lindsay all need to be CRBed. Colin requested that, rather than lose our CRB certificates, we get them photocopied for him to hold a central file.
10. FA Level One: Ben Perry interested in training.
11. Foxy orders: Deadline for the first order to be Oct 11. Sally to look at widening our range in time for Christmas.
12. Girls’ football day. Agreed it would be a good thing to repeat the dedicated girls’ day. (Oct4) Will also have a Y4 Day to try and boost numbers. (Sept 20)

Length of session. Agreed that training would be increased from 10-11am to 10-11.15am. Prompt start essential and coaches all agreed to arrive early to set up.

Rubbish. Everyone to remind parents to take their litter with them.

Responsibility. Reminder required that parents remain responsible for their children during football. Sally to place on Blog.

Penalty shoot-out: Sally to set up penalty practice during football.

It was suggested that we could ask Mr B to fill our vacant Y6 fixtures with the school Y6 team. Sally to approach Mr B and Will Ewens.

Colin raised the idea of fitness training. Decided the children were too young – and not particularly unfit. The dads on the other hand…

Suggested we collect together coaching drills to share with Reception coaches. Rob Y (or was it RobJ?) to co-ordinate.

Blog. Agreed that all coaches should take steps to update the Blog more often – with info about what has happened as well as what’s going to happen. Agreed that at least one update should be posted by Monday every week.

Meeting ended 11.30pm