Sunday, 14 December 2008

WPF Year 2 vs Combe Dingle Colts

Sataturday started badly with Combe Dingle Colts pitch being waterlogged and the venue switching from Stoke Lodge to The Downs. The Y2 squad was also depleted in numbers but at least this gave a chance for everyone to have more time on the pitch and less time as a substitute.

In the first match WPF seemed a little timid and Coombe Dingle Colts ran away with the match 0-8.

In the second match WPF had begun to warm up and the deficit was restricted to 2-4.

In the final match I think WPF deserved a positive result. Although WPF eventually lost 2-3 the game was very close and a magnificent solo run from Josh nearly resulted in the equaliser.

Players : Harrison, Joseph, Sam, William, Eddie, Felix, Henry, Matthew, Josh, jago, Toby, Teya