Friday, 9 January 2009

New Term - New Footballing Action

Happy New Year to everyone.

Foxes football starts again this Saturday (as if it ever really stopped).

Y4s are playing Clifton United on the astro-turf at Redland Green School. (Details in the blog below - don't forget your trainers.)

The rest of us will be back on the Downs as usual. Please bring trainers and football boots just in case the surface is frozen and remember - it'll be cold out there!

One more thing, we have added a number of new fixtures - Y3 girls be particularly vigilant - so please keep an eye on the fixtures list on this Blog.

Oh, and another thing. Subs are now due - just £10 up to April. Please pay Emma Perry (Y1), Lucy Nash (Y2), Sally Newman (Y3 and Y5) or Clare Jarvis (Y4).

Many thanks.

See you out there.