Monday, 13 April 2009

Westbury Park Foxes Accounts 2008-09

Here are the details of our accounts for the year ended 31 March 2009.

As ever anyone is very welcome to take a look at the books (which I can assure you are kept very much up to date) and check the numbers are OK!

Westbury Park Foxes

Year End 31 March 2009

Henleaze Tournament £605.00
Subscriptions £1,922.60
Parties £2,421.00
Clothing sales £1,020.21
Sponsorship £490.00
Other £40.70
Total £6,499.51

FA Affiliation fees £38.00
Training Equipment £796.13
Parties £2,108.05
EoS tournament £470.35
CRB checks £0.00
Match kits £1,971.90
Clothing £613.15
First Aid Kits £0.00
Tournament entry fees £420.00
Total £6,417.58

Surplus £81.93

Represented by
Cash in bank £1,571.01
Less uncleared cheques £1,124.22
Less surplus carried over £364.86
Total £81.93

Cash analysis
Cash in bank £1,571.01
Less uncleared cheques £1,124.22
Total cash to hand £446.79

Represented by
Surplus 2008 £364.86
Surplus 2009 £81.93
Total £446.79

Prepared by:
Andy Marshall
9 April 2009