Saturday, 5 December 2009

Year 3 Foxes windswept against Coombe Dingle 14 Nov

Never was the Foxes motto of “we play on whatever the weather” tested more than today. In quite appalling wind and rain, 20 hardy little Y3 foxes braved a sodden Downs to play football in the teeth of a gale.

The players were split into 2 teams and played a match each. The football was largely incidental but for the record we lost one match 1-3 with Henry scoring the only Foxes goal. The other was a close game that could have gone either way but in the end we lost 0-1. With the threat of hypothermia setting in, the coaches called off the other matches – much to the disappointment of many of the players who were happy to play on!

Players – Billy, Caleb, Caston, Eddie, Ella, Ewan, Harrison, Henry, Isaac, Jack, Joseph, Josh, Ludo, Matthew, Sam, Stanley, Teya,, TJ, William LP and William W.

Everyone deserved a Man of the Match award for their brilliant spirit – well done!

(PS Sorry for the late blog)